Mission Statement
Provide for the protection and preservation of life and property, mindful of acceptable levels of risk, by maintaining the highest standard of emergency medical services, fire suppression, fire prevention education and safety programs.
Vision Statement
“Be a force that fuels community pride, cohesion, caring, and wellness.”

Core Values
The Washington Township Fire Department is dedicated to the well-being, health and safety of its employees, their families and the community. Our vision is based on the ideals of community pride, cohesion, caring and wellness as well as our shared core values.
that improve the quality and efficiency of our services
for all people
that is born from high ethical standards and honesty
to our core mission of public safety and wellness
every day, in all we do
Service Area
The WTFD service area encompasses 27.5 square miles and includes the City of Dublin and portions of Franklin, Delaware, and Union counties.
The Washington Township Fire Department is accredited by the Commission on Fire Accreditation International, a distinction earned by meeting or exceeding performance standards in the areas of operations, training, equipment, disaster response planning, human resources, inspections, and public education. The department utilizes many education, professional training, and code enforcement resources from the National Fire Protection Association in the fire protection, prevention and safety education services it offers.
The department also has a Public Protection Classification (PPC™) of one, making it one of only three fire departments in Ohio 57 nationwide with an ISO-1 rating. The PPC™ evaluation process measures fire department performance against a set of criteria in four categories: Water Flow, Emergency Communications, Fire Department Operations, and Water Supply.
In the 2017 National Citizen Survey of Dublin residents, the City of Dublin received a 99% satisfaction rating. Satisfaction with safety services was a major contributor to overall resident satisfaction on this survey. Residents reported high satisfaction with each of the Fire Department’s service categories: 99% for Fire, 92% for Fire Prevention, and 98% for Ambulance/EMS.
The four fire stations are strategically located within the Township to facilitate quick response time on emergency calls to any part of the service area. All operate fire trucks, medic units, and have equipment for land and water rescues and one or more pieces of specialized equipment.