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(614) 652-3920 | Admin & Fire Department

Fire Code

The Washington Township Fire Prevention Bureau is responsible for code enforcement, fire safety inspections, fire investigations, and fire safety education in the City of Dublin and Washington Township.


Copies of the Dublin and Washington Township Fire Prevention Codes are available at the office of the Clerk of Council of the City of Dublin, Ohio, and the Washington Township Administration Center.

In August of 2017, the 2015 edition of the International Fire Code was adopted by the township trustees within the unincorporated areas of Washington Township. This model fire code was adopted by the City of Dublin in November 2017.

The Fire Code

  • Sets criteria for inspecting the more than 1,600 public occupancies in Washington Township for fire safety
  • Establishes the proper maintenance and testing procedures for fire protection systems (fire alarm, fire sprinkler, fire extinguisher, etc.) and maintenance of specific types of equipment, processes, hazards, and occupancies.
  • Regulates permits to authorize the performance of a specific activity. The permit outlines in the fire code range from restaurants to special event tents and allows the fire department to review and approve devices, safeguards, and procedures that may be needed to ensure the safety of all involved.

Fire Code Enforcement

The Washington Township Fire Prevention Division's efforts include:

  • Focusing on fire safety inspections of commercial buildings
  • Plan reviews of new construction
  • Code enforcement of adopted standards
  • Public fire and life safety education
  • Fire investigations

Staff assigned to the division are highly trained and technically capable to enforce fire codes, educate the public, and investigate fire causes.

Contact Our Fire Prevention Division

Please feel free to email our Fire Prevention Division with the information listed below.